Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Lost in Translation

While tooling around in the various historical sites, I came across a few signs that caught my attention.

At the Forbidden City, we found a few signs that would fit this category... Here is my favorite. I'm sure the phrase "no scratch" is not what the Chinese were going for in this sign, but it gets the point across... I guess.

This other sign was in the Lama Temple. This is an active Buddhist temple where followers are praying and tourists are snapping pictures and absorbing the atmosphere. One of the many things being "absorbed" was the incense that was being burned in front of the mini-temples throughout the park. I guess that's why I thought this sign was a bit ironic (notice the really big urn to the left of the picture).

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bucket List

I haven't had a chance to see the movie, The Bucket List, but I know the gist of the story...two men are trying to complete items on their List of things to do before they kick the bucket. Hence, the Bucket List.

I think it's import to work on the Bucket List while you can and not wait until you know the end is near. I was able to put a check mark on one of my Bucket List items during my trip to visit the Great Wall of China.

Many thanks to Cara for being our chauffeur and knowing the perfect spot for us to visit the Wall.

Blog, what blog?

Ok, I'm a bit embarrassed to admit this, but it seems like a lifetime ago that I posted on my blog - I couldn't even remember the name of my blog. When I found it this morning, I noticed that an old college buddy (Hey Amelia!) left me a comment on one of my posts. How in the heck did she find my blog, when I couldn't even find it?!?!?

I'll be posting pics and blog entries from my trip to China... sorry in advance for the random stories....

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Environmentalist at large (China)

I guess tree-huggers live outstide the US....this lady was there for at least 30 minutes. She was there when I showed up at the park and she was there when I left. I wonder is she was talking to the tree, and if so, was it answering her back?